Grand Valley Catholic Outreach is a compassionate center
where people in need can access emergency services.

Book in Hand
Each year the Book-in-Hand
program distributes 900 new
hardcover books to children
Because books are so important for the growth and development of pre-school children, Catholic Outreach’s Book-in Hand program provides children ages one to six with a new hardcover book.
The books that are distributed have been donated by individuals, foundations and various organizations.
While their parents seek Outreach services, a volunteer reads to the children and demonstrates to young parents how to read to their children.
Both new and used books for children are accepted as donations.
Book in Hand hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9 a.m. -12 pm
245 S 1st Street Grand Junction, CO 81501
Book in Hand Program
Clothing Bank
The Clothing Bank assists
31,000 individuals each year
Clothing, shoes, bedding, household items, and books for men, women and children, donated by the local community, are available at the Clothing Bank to all in need.
Clean, seasonal clothing in good condition and household items in good repair are accepted as are small kitchen appliances (such as toasters) in good working order are accepted.
We do not accept child car seats, computers, televisions, printers, or other electronics.
Special Donation Items:
Furniture and other large items are sometimes accepted on an “as needed” basis. To donate furniture, bicycles, or cars, call in advance. Cars must be in working order and in good repair as they are given to families who do not have the resources for expensive repairs.
Clothing Bank hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9 a.m. -12 pm
Hours for Donations are Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-3:30 pm
(970) 241-3658 | 245 S 1st Street Grand Junction, CO 81501
Clothing Bank
Day Center
The Day Center provides services to more than 12,000 individuals each year
The Day Center offers the amenities of home – a warm shower, laundry, telephone, mail, storage– to area people who are homeless, ages 18 and older. Guests receive job search support and directions to local resources.
Each week medical personnel are present to assist the guests with preventive health care and counseling. A free bus service is operated by members of the St. Matthew Episcopal Church each Monday morning.
Donations to the Day Center are accepted during business hours or by special arrangement. Donated goods in the form of coffee, razors, white socks, women’s personal items, combs, lotion, small soaps, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, and shaving lotion are in greatest need as are monetary gifts to operate this facility.
Day Center hours of operation are
Monday-Friday from 7-11 a.m. | (970) 263-9445 |
302 Pitkin Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501
Day Center
Financial Aid
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid program halts an average of 350 evictions and restores 650 utilities for families each year
This program provides community resource information and monetary assistance for rent, utilities, IDs, and medications.
Rent: Guests must have an eviction notice and a means of sustaining themselves during the months ahead. The amount of one-time assistance is determined by need.
Click here for guidelines to see if you qualify and a list of items you need to bring when requesting assistance.
Utilities: Guests may apply to our energy assistance program that is funded by the Energy Outreach Colorado Foundation. Click here for qualifying guidelines and a list of items to bring when requesting assistance.
Between November 1st and April 30th, guests must first apply for Colorado's Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). Applications are processed by mail through Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado. Click here for an application and directions for applying between November 1st and April 30th.
Transportation: Gas cards may be available for stranded travelers passing through Grand Junction. We do not offer train tickets or bus tickets - either for travel within town or for traveling to a different city.
Identification & Documents: Guests may request assistance in obtaining out-of-state birth certificates in emergency situations.
For Colorado IDs and Colorado birth certificates, requests should be made to Grand Valley Peace & Justice.
Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 9-11:30 a.m. | (970) 241-3658 | 245 S. 1st Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry processes 8,000
requests for groceries each year
Those with empty pantries can get canned and packaged food and diapers for small children at the Food Pantry. Travelers passing through our community who are in need of food are also served.
Food Pantry hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9-11:30 am
(970) 241-3658 | 245 S 1st Street Grand Junction, CO 81501
Referral: A more extensive source of food for Mesa County Residents is the Community Food Bank located at
562 W. Crete Circle, â„– 102.
Food Pantry
Soup Kitchen
Every day the Soup Kitchen serves 250-300 meals with a yearly average of 67,000 meals
A complete noon meal is served six days a week. The only requirement is that a person be hungry and be respectful to all who serve and are served.
Donations are accepted Monday through Friday 9:00 to 11:30 am and 1:00 to 2:30 pm (or by special arrangement) at 245 S. 1st Street, the third door in the rear of the building.
The following items are accepted:
Can and packaged goods (unopened, un-dented, unexpired date)
Fresh and Frozen Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, and Meats
Meat from hunters (commercially processed and dated the current year)
Produce from “backyard” farmers, orchard growers, commercial farmers, and grocery markets.
Meals are served ​Monday-Saturday from 12-1 p.m. at
245 S. 1st Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Soup Kitchen
Each year we serve 62 individuals with permanent housing, 3 with transitional housing, and rapidly rehouse 30 families
Transitional Supportive Housing
Transitional Supportive Housing offers individuals the opportunity to end homelessness through cooperative living, counseling, and training. Residents, working with a case manager, must have gainful employment or enter a work skills program through the Workforce Center. An interview is required to gain entrance into this program.
Rapid Re-Housing
Rapid Re-Housing offers an individual or family who has been homeless or will become homeless an opportunity to lease housing with one or more months’ worth of financial support.
Our programs are dedicated to providing housing to individuals or families who are homeless.
T-House Supportive Housing
The T-House shelters up to two families with pre-school age children, each living a maximum of four months in their own small yet comfortable apartment in the downtown area. Residents pay a weekly affordable rent. At least one parent must be employed. To apply, request a housing interview.
Permanent Supportive Housing
Permanent supportive housing combines affordable housing with voluntary support services to address the needs of chronically homeless people. The services are designed to build independent living and tenancy skills and connect people with community-based health care, treatment, and employment services. Residence pay no more than 30% of their income toward rent.​
Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 9am-12pm at 245 S. 1st Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501
La Mariposa
Approximately 24 women actively
participate in this program each year
La Mariposa is a support group for women struggling with addictions who are or have been homeless. They meet weekly for counseling and support.
La Mariposa